
Welcome to Sidetrack Adventures. This is Steve.

I have been going on road trips my entire life. As a kid every summer my parents would pack us up and take a trip somewhere, often with my dad driving eight hours or more at a time just so we’d have more time at our destination. Occasionally instead of a car we’d hop on a train or a plane (or even a boat). But it was usually a car. Through these trips I was probably the only kid in my middle school to have visited all 50 states.

As I grew up, my love for travel, and the road trip has never left. But as I’ve traveled I’ve often wondered what else is out there. Why a particular road seemingly in the middle of nowhere exists. Or the story behind the crazy roadside attraction off the highway.

That got me to start digging deeper into the places along side the highways and try to learn about their often forgotten history.

Hopefully this site, along with our YouTube channel, can help shed some light on some of these forgotten and over looked places as well as providing useful information to help you on your travels.