Category: Center of the States

  • Visiting the Geographic Center of Utah

    Visiting the Geographic Center of Utah

    On a recent trip to Utah, I was looking at a map of our route and realized that we should be traveling pretty close to the state’s geographic center. Since we’ve been to a number of centers of states already, I figured this is a great chance to knock another off the list. Getting to…

  • Visiting the Center of New Mexico

    Visiting the Center of New Mexico

    Most states have irregular shapes, and there are different ways of determining where a state’s exact center is. New Mexico is no different, and because of that, there are two centers of New Mexico. A geographic center and geometric center. Since it isn’t for us to decide which is the actual center of New Mexico,…

  • Visiting the Center of Arizona

    Visiting the Center of Arizona

    Unlike other states, getting to the geographic center of Arizona isn’t very easy. There are no roads that lead there or any nearby hiking trails. The easiest way to get there involves a canoe and some bushwhacking. Luckily there are a few less adventurous ways to see a central location in Arizona. The Geographic Center…

  • Visiting the Center of California

    Visiting the Center of California

    When we were planning a recent trip to Yosemite National Park, we noticed that we could visit North Fork, CA and what is billed as the Geographic Center of California with a short detour. Being a fan of roadside attractions and oddities, there was no way we were going to pass that up.